I found out my doll quilt partner received the quilt I sent her called "Stay in Wonderland" so I thought I'd share it here

The finished version as well as Jack testing it out before the binding was added
This week I've been working on 2 projects one is my "Love is like a Butterfly" quilt for the Rainbow Scrap Challange which you can check out at
I decided to make more HSTs for it so I chain pieced
a few more
Trimmed them down
And ended up with 32 total blue/white HSTs
The other quilt I've been working on is called "Jack's Jack" as it will be a Union Jack for a cat called
Jack the Lad so far I've cut out all the pieces
and have foundation pieced 3 of the 4 sections
of the flag

I even had a red London themed FQ just waiting to be used!
I got the pattern from the jan/ feb 2014 issue of McCall's Quilting magazine.
Have a great week and happy quilting!